
Turkish Art and Culture Lecture Series in Istanbul

One of the educational programs organized by the Turkish Cultural Foundation Turkey Branch office in Istanbul is the Turkish Art and Culture Lecture Series. With this lecture series, the Foundation aims to introduce the rich cultural and artistic heritage of Turkey to resident representatives and officials of foreign institutions in Istanbul, such as members of the consular corps, foreign faculty members and the expatriate community at large. This program serves the mission of the Turkish Cultural Foundation to promote Turkish culture and build cultural bridges through people to people cultural exchanges and public education.

The Turkish Cultural Foundation is pleased to present the following distinguished speakers and lectures in its 2015-2016 TCF Lecture Series in Turkish Culture and Art in Istanbul. The lecture series will run from October 2015 through May 2016.

Unless otherwise noted, all conferences take place at the TCF Istanbul office. The lectures are open to the public and registration is required for all events. Please verify date, time and venue at registration time, since events may change. You may call 0212-297-4038 or send an email to for more information.

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TCF Lecture Series in Turkish Culture and Art

Lectures in 2017

JAN 25

From Tradition to Modernity - the Art of the Anatolian Kilim Ali Riza Tuna (independent researcher)

Ali Riza Tuna is an independent researcher and textile collector in various aspects of early Anatolian carpets.

English, 16:00

Lectures in 2016

DEC 01

1950'den Günümüze Türk Resim Sanatı

Prof. Dr. Ayla Ersoy (Yeditepe University)

Dr. Ayla Ersoy is a Professor at Yeditepe University in Istanbul.

Turkish, 15:00

MAY 26

Birinci Dünya Savaşı Döneminde Tarihi Eserleri Koruma Gayretleri

Prof. Dr. Fatma Ürekli (Mimar Sinan University)

Dr. Fatma Ürekli is a Professor at Mimar Sinan University in Istanbul.

Turkish, 15:00

MAR 03

Archaeology, technology, and sustainability: Approaches to the past in the Gediz Valley, western Turkey Assoc. Prof. Dr. Chris Roosevelt (Koç University)

Dr. Chris Roosevelt is an Associate Professor at Koç University. Since 2015 he has been the director of the Research Center for Anatolian Civilizations (RCAC).

English, 17:30

Lectures in 2015

NOV 17

Askeri Ressamlardan Günümüze Türk Resim Sanatı (Turkish Painting in the 19th Century: Military Painters)

Prof. Dr. Ayla Ersoy (Yeditepe University)

Dr. Ayla Ersoy is a Professor at Yeditepe University in Istanbul.

Turkish, 15:00

OCT 27

Classical Ottoman Rugs, Textiles and Other Objects from Italian Public and Private Collections Dr. Alberto Boralevi (independent scholar)

Dr. Alberto Boralevi is an Italian architect, dealer and famous scholar on antique classical carpets and textiles.

English, 17:30

MAY 26

Back to the Future: Reconstruction of Anatolian Carpets from Renaissance Paintings Ali Riza Tuna (independent researcher)

Ali Riza Tuna is an independent researcher and textile collector in various aspects of early Anatolian carpets.

English, 17:30

MAY 21

Anadolu Uygarlıkları (Anatolian Civilizations) Halil Demirdelen (Museum of Anatolian Civilizations)

Halil Demirdelen is an archaeologist and Deputy General Director of the Museum of Anatolian Civilizations in Ankara.

Turkish, 17:30

APR 21

Prospect on the Future of Istanbul Prof. Dr. Dogan Kuban (Istanbul Technical University)

Dr. Dogan Kuban is a Professor of Ottoman architecture and history at Istanbul Technical University.

English, 17:30

MAR 24

Harvard Üniversitesi - Koç Üniversitesi - TCF Osmanlı Yaz Okulu: Kuruluşu ve Günümüze kadar Faaliyetleri (From Past to Present: The Activities of the Ottoman Summer School of Harvard University-Koc University - TCF) Prof. Dr. Gönül Tekin (Ottoman Studies Foundation)

Prof. Dr. Gönül Tekin is a Professor of Turkish Language and Literature. She is a Founder and Chairman of the Ottoman Studies Foundation.

Turkish, 17:30

MAR 19

Panel “Mübadele: Population Exchange between Turkey and Greece” The Cultural Aspects of the Livelihoods of the Exchanged Greek Refugees Prof. Dr. Evangelia Balta (National Hellenic Research Foundation)

The eternal longing for the roots: The culture and traditions of the Turkish- Cretan and Greek refugees after the exchange Ipek Ozel (Istanbul Bilgi University)

Prof. Dr. Evangelia Balta is an historian whose research focus is subjects related to economic and social history during the Ottoman period as well as Greek culture of Asia Minor and Karamanlidika Studies. Ipek Özel is a lecturer at the Department of Communications of Istanbul Bilgi University.

English, 17:30

FEB 24

Artisans of Empire: Crafts and Craftspeople under the Ottomans Prof. Dr. Suraiya Faroqhi (Istanbul Bilgi University)

Dr. Suraiya Faroqhi is a Professor of Ottoman economic and social history at Istanbul Bilgi University.

English, 17:30

JAN 22

UNESCO World Heritage and Turkey Atila Ege (World Heritage Travelers)

Atila Ege is the Founder and Chairman of the Board of Association of the World Heritage Travelers.

English, 14:30

JAN 13

Exploring Turkey's Culinary Heritage - A Look through the History, Traditions and Ingredients Banu Özden (YESAM)

Banu Özden is Project Executive at the TCF Culinary Arts Center-YESAM

English, 14:30

Past Lectures

OCT 16

Signatures of Sultans, Signs of Love: Uses of Turkish Language in the Ottoman Empire Assoc. Prof. Dr. Selim Kuru (University of Washington)

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Selim Kuru is an Associate Professor at the University of Washington, Seattle, WA.

English, 14:30

OCT 24

Balkan Music and Turkish Culture Brenna MacCrimmon (musician, researcher)

Brenna MacCrimmon is a Canadian singer and songwriter and has been researching and performing the music of Turkey and the Balkans since 1984.

English, 14:30

NOV 18

1972 UNESCO World Heritage Convention: Achievements and Global Challenges Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yonca Erkan (Kadir Has University)

Dr. Yonca Kösebay Erkan is an Associate Professor at Kadir Has University of Istanbul. Since 2010, Dr. Erkan has been actively taking part in UNESCO World Heritage meetings as a member of the Turkish National Commission for UNESCO, and is also a member of ICOMOS-Turkey and Europe Nostra.

English, 16:00

NOV 20

18. ve 19. Yüzyıllarda Türk Resim Sanatı (Turkish Painting in the 18th and 19th Centuries) Prof. Dr. Ayla Ersoy (Yeditepe University)

Dr. Ayla Ersoy is a Professor at Yeditepe University in Istanbul.

Turkish, 16:00

DEC 16

Cinema in Turkey: A Multiple History Prof. Dr. Savaş Arslan (Bahçeşehir University)

Dr. Savaş Arslan is a Professor of Film and Television at Bahçeşehir University in Istanbul.

English, 14:30

DEC 23

Geçmişin İzlerinden Günümüz Tekstillerinde Doğal Boyaların Hayat Bulması (Understanding and Conserving the Past and Recreating Natural Dyes for Today) Prof. Dr. Recep Karadağ (Marmara University and TCF Cultural Heritage Preservation and Natural Dyes Laboratory-DATU)

Dr. Recep Karadağ is Senior Scholar at the TCF Cultural Heritage Preservation and Natural Dyes Laboratory (DATU) and a Professor at Marmara University in Istanbul.

Turkish, 17:30


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